Донецкий кряж
"Донецкий кряж" - понятие созвучное в т.ч. некоему препятствию, части дерева, которое лежит и не дает пройти всякой мерзости. И люди там такие же. Они тяжело работают и не терпят вранья. Это так знакомо с самого детства ...
Вспомнил об этом в связи с дискуссией, начатой англичанином, работающим в Нидерландах. Дискуссия о Крыме "Recent developments in the Crimea" в LinkedIn группе "Political Economy", в которой сейчас 7067 участников.
А дискуссия на сей момент набрала 508 постов.

Участвовал там с самого начала и вот для меня оказалось неожиданным, что в очередной раз объяснив свою точку зрения на украинские события, т.е. то, что никогда на Украине и в России люди не согласятся с любой формой западного влияния и это традиция такая, история и что Запад теряет чувство реальности, решив управлять Украиной и т.п. ... вдруг получило полное согласие зачинателя дискуссии. Выходит, разговаривать можно и нужно. И побольше бы таких разговоров. Но несмотря на обилие русских в LinkedIn, меня никто не поддержал в этой дискуссии. Англичанам и американцам оппонировал правда македонец, проживающий в Австралии. Но мы говорили независимо друг от друга.
Потратил на это уйму своего времени. Любопытно, что один активный американец, как я понял, республиканского толка, говорил о необходимости прекратить значительную часть американской поддержки НАТО:
"On the whole I'm an isolationist. I'd much prefer the girly men of Europe protect their own lands and the US stop providing the greatest portion of support for NATO."
Я ввязался в эту дискуссию из-за детских воспоминаний сада и дома моих дедушки и бабушки в Алчевске Луганской области ...

Но, опять же, никто из соотечественников не подключился. Может потому, что в моих словах не было пропаганды?
И ладно, сам справился.
Вот как это выглядело:

"You know, any western influence will fail there. I lived there in Donbass when I was a kid and local people - miners and metallurgists will never agree with western influence in any form. Their fathers and grandfathers fought against European Nazi (German, Italian and Romanian) as the partisans and they won. It is a tradition and history. They are not like timid barbarians who can not resist. If Putin and his 'KGB' will be too mild, they will do their job without him. The West lost a sense of reality when decided to control Ukraine. It's useless and really dangerous regardless who officially rules Ukraine or Russia. Do recollect history and what experienced Napoleon in Russia of 1812 except Russian army - resistance of the people as partisans. In 1814 Russian army entered Paris ...
It is not a (computer) game with sides. It is a part of the world that is not Iraq, Lybia or any banana islands for pirates. The US and UK never was at war inside its home last time. Our people was many times.
Ones you should visit Russia, go around and feel its spirit, its difference, its kindness and merciless to aggressors.
Again, it is recklessness to touch Ukraine, historically Russian Empire regardless I say about it or not.
How the ethnic Russians look like"
"I completely agree, and no I am not so well informed about the history of the Ukraine, interesting and informative post.
I see reason for a referendum on a Federal state. Its importance to create an end to the conflict.
I also think that the West should be very careful. Exactly how we will have to wait and see.
I am also following daily reports on the crisis."
"Thank you, Geoffrey.
Also people name Donbass - Донецкий кряж (Donetsk block (barrier, obstacle, impediment, hindrance, interference)). In fact it is a hilly.area but looks like a part of an old tree that lies as a block. The people there are the same.
"Nikolay, you may well be right, but the utube film does not advance your case. The overly beautiful characters in this obvious propaganda film could just as well be American. In fact one of the beautiful ladies looks exactly like one of my daughters. But then this is not surprising as my ancestors were from Eastern Europe.
Propaganda films like this were one of the few things that Soviet Russia did better than their successors. Which is why Eisenstein was one of the great film makers of all time.
Stick to the argument - what business does the European Union have in the Ukraine? It's actually a "try on" to see how far they can push Russia ... Or just short sighted stupidity "
"Why propaganda film? The faces of Russian actors who represent the nation is propaganda? The only case I see here is "how far they can push Russia" - i.e. these people.
But what are the faces of those who try to push Russia?"
Вспомнил об этом в связи с дискуссией, начатой англичанином, работающим в Нидерландах. Дискуссия о Крыме "Recent developments in the Crimea" в LinkedIn группе "Political Economy", в которой сейчас 7067 участников.
А дискуссия на сей момент набрала 508 постов.

Участвовал там с самого начала и вот для меня оказалось неожиданным, что в очередной раз объяснив свою точку зрения на украинские события, т.е. то, что никогда на Украине и в России люди не согласятся с любой формой западного влияния и это традиция такая, история и что Запад теряет чувство реальности, решив управлять Украиной и т.п. ... вдруг получило полное согласие зачинателя дискуссии. Выходит, разговаривать можно и нужно. И побольше бы таких разговоров. Но несмотря на обилие русских в LinkedIn, меня никто не поддержал в этой дискуссии. Англичанам и американцам оппонировал правда македонец, проживающий в Австралии. Но мы говорили независимо друг от друга.
Потратил на это уйму своего времени. Любопытно, что один активный американец, как я понял, республиканского толка, говорил о необходимости прекратить значительную часть американской поддержки НАТО:
"On the whole I'm an isolationist. I'd much prefer the girly men of Europe protect their own lands and the US stop providing the greatest portion of support for NATO."
Я ввязался в эту дискуссию из-за детских воспоминаний сада и дома моих дедушки и бабушки в Алчевске Луганской области ...

Но, опять же, никто из соотечественников не подключился. Может потому, что в моих словах не было пропаганды?
И ладно, сам справился.
Вот как это выглядело:

"You know, any western influence will fail there. I lived there in Donbass when I was a kid and local people - miners and metallurgists will never agree with western influence in any form. Their fathers and grandfathers fought against European Nazi (German, Italian and Romanian) as the partisans and they won. It is a tradition and history. They are not like timid barbarians who can not resist. If Putin and his 'KGB' will be too mild, they will do their job without him. The West lost a sense of reality when decided to control Ukraine. It's useless and really dangerous regardless who officially rules Ukraine or Russia. Do recollect history and what experienced Napoleon in Russia of 1812 except Russian army - resistance of the people as partisans. In 1814 Russian army entered Paris ...
It is not a (computer) game with sides. It is a part of the world that is not Iraq, Lybia or any banana islands for pirates. The US and UK never was at war inside its home last time. Our people was many times.
Ones you should visit Russia, go around and feel its spirit, its difference, its kindness and merciless to aggressors.
Again, it is recklessness to touch Ukraine, historically Russian Empire regardless I say about it or not.
How the ethnic Russians look like"
"I completely agree, and no I am not so well informed about the history of the Ukraine, interesting and informative post.
I see reason for a referendum on a Federal state. Its importance to create an end to the conflict.
I also think that the West should be very careful. Exactly how we will have to wait and see.
I am also following daily reports on the crisis."
"Thank you, Geoffrey.
Also people name Donbass - Донецкий кряж (Donetsk block (barrier, obstacle, impediment, hindrance, interference)). In fact it is a hilly.area but looks like a part of an old tree that lies as a block. The people there are the same.
"Nikolay, you may well be right, but the utube film does not advance your case. The overly beautiful characters in this obvious propaganda film could just as well be American. In fact one of the beautiful ladies looks exactly like one of my daughters. But then this is not surprising as my ancestors were from Eastern Europe.
Propaganda films like this were one of the few things that Soviet Russia did better than their successors. Which is why Eisenstein was one of the great film makers of all time.
Stick to the argument - what business does the European Union have in the Ukraine? It's actually a "try on" to see how far they can push Russia ... Or just short sighted stupidity "
"Why propaganda film? The faces of Russian actors who represent the nation is propaganda? The only case I see here is "how far they can push Russia" - i.e. these people.
But what are the faces of those who try to push Russia?"
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