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Friday, October 27, 2006

Knowledge Money will be yours

Knowledge Society, Knowledge Economy, Knowledge Management and now Knowledge Person ...

Where are real stuff for ordinary people here, even for nearest future?

Let’s think about Knowledge Money, which every Knowledge Person will probably emit.

Here is my "Nonprofessional forecast" and reader’s comment, republished from my Russian blog:

"Nonprofessional forecast


Let me recollect John (Beau) Law from Scotland, who pioneered modern banking in France of 18th century, because I think something significant may occur over time with money and global economy:

1. Information part of goods and services or intangibles, or knowledge become more and more costly in modern economy – see "Foresight 2020: Economic, industry and corporate trends".

2. Entrepreneurship shifts to authorship.

3. States may lose their monopoly on regulation of authorship – licensing, because the Web hasn’t state borders.

4. In tangible world when you sell goods you lose them and get money in exchange. In intangible world when you sell knowledge you don’t lose it and get money again and again for the same.

5. Because of nature of knowledge (can be multiplied for low cost) its authors (not states) may become a source of liquidity and states may lose their monopoly on money emission.

6. Money, which will serve intangibles, may absorb money, which serves tangibles, because intangibles may grow faster than tangibles.

7. Networking or maybe netliving creates a third temporary value – connection: 1 person + 1 person = 2 persons (dead network) or 2 persons and 1 connection (1+1=3 - living network - netliving). Any network lives only if the connections take place. Connection is impossible without content – information part of goods and services or knowledge, or intangibles.

In nearest future entrepreneurs or authors must create markets: intangibles, tangibles, netliving, perhaps licensing and money.

The question is who works on this, if my nonprofessional forecast makes sense?

Re: Nonprofessional forecast



As usual, I like the way you think and I enjoy this type of dialogue.

You are describing several aspects of a major social transformation that is now well underway. We currently live in a world in which three economies are churning at the same time and we are swiftly moving toward a fourth.

a) We are experiencing the last stages of the Industrial Economy
b) We have also seen a twenty year transition called the Creative Knowledge Economy.
c) We are resently in the early stages of a Web/Networked Economy
d) And out on the horizon we can see a molecular economy taking shape with the rise of nanotechnology.

This shifting economy is just one of several emerging megatrends. These relate to things like the environment, some to the rate of change and technological advance, an aging population, etc. See this link for a list of the key trends:

Theses trends are causing us to rethink the very core of how we operate as a society. You are exactly right to ask the question, "who works on this?" because these issues are not going to fix themselves and will require attention from intelligent people.

The Second Enlightenment Conference is a seedbed to step up to these types of issues and work on them vs. waiting for them to overwhelm our world.

The conference is organized against a set of principles that show how we need to progress in various areas.

These lists are living documents and the conference will be a dialogue that centeres in on this starting point.

In short this effort is designed to bring a broad group of individuals into the realm of transformation.

Reformation is simply changing the present course to adjust to changes as they occur in the current context.

Transformation is a complete contextual, behavioral, attitudinal, and capacity rework within a futures context.

Simply reforming our world won't be enough…we need to transform the way we think, know, behave, govern ourselves, etc.

Take a look at this presentation:

In particular, notice the three "Cultural Creatives" slides near the end of this presentation. I belive that this group of socially conscious individuals is rising up to work on these kinds of social needs. Without such an effort, even just one of these megatrends could represent a major downfall in human achievement.

If you are interested in getting invovled with this type of transformation, contact Rick Smyre at rlsmyre at"

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