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Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Декабризм 2.0

Из истории русско-персидской войны 1826—1828 годов известно:

"Персия, стремясь вернуть утраченные по Гюлистанскому договору 1813 года территории в Закавказье, объявила России войну 16 июля 1826 года.

Причиной войны явились сведения о восстании декабристов в Петербурге, которое в Персии было понято, как междоусобная борьба двух претендентов на престол. Энергичный наследный принц, наместник Азербайджана Аббас-Мирза, создавший новую армию с помощью европейских инструкторов и считавший себя после этого в силах вернуть утраченные в 1813 году земли, решил воспользоваться столь удобным, как ему казалось, случаем".

Гюлистанский мирный договор завершил русско-персидскую войну 1804—1813 годов:

"Согласно договору, Персия признавала переход к России Дагестана, Картли, Кахети, Мегрелии, Имеретии, Гурии, Абхазии и части современного Азербайджана где находились ханства: Бакинское, Карабахское, Гянджинское, Ширванское, Шекинское, Дербентское, Кубинское. К России отошла также часть Талышского ханства.

По договору России предоставлялось исключительное право иметь свой военный флот на Каспийском море. Купцы обеих стран получали право свободной торговли.

Присоединение значительной части Закавказья к России, с одной стороны, избавило народы Закавказья от нашествий персидских и турецких захватчиков, привело к постепенной ликвидации феодальной раздробленности, помогло поднять экономическое развитие Закавказья на более высокий уровень; с другой стороны, между кавказскими народами и русскими властями, а также русскими переселенцами, часто возникали трения на религиозной и этнической почве, что порождало высокую нестабильность в данном регионе России.

Персия не смирилась с утратой Закавказья. Подталкиваемая Великобританией, она вскоре развязала новую войну против России, закончившуюся поражением Персии и подписанием Туркманчайского мирного договора"

Этот договор связан с именем Александра Сергеевича Грибоедова.

"Русско-персидская война 1804—1813 годов — причиной войны послужило присоединение Восточной Грузии к России, принятое ещё Павлом I 18 января 1801 года.

12 сентября 1801 года Александр I (1801—1825) подписал "Манифест об учреждении нового правления в Грузии", Картли-Кахетинское царство входило в состав России и становилось Грузинской губернией империи. Далее добровольно присоединились Бакинское, Кубинское, Дагестанское и другие царства. В 1803 году присоединилась Менгрелия и Имеретинское царство.

3 января 1804 года — штурм Гянджи в результате которого Гянджинское ханство ликвидируется и входит в состав Российской империи.

10 июня персидский шах Фетх-Али (Баба-хан) (1797—1834), вступивший в союз с Великобританией, объявил войну России".

Программным документом восстания на Сенатской площади Санкт-Петербурга в декабре 1825 года послужил "Манифест к русскому народу", составленный масоном С. П. Трубецким.

Согласно этому манифесту предполагалось освободить крестьян без земли, распустить армию и образовать новые органы самоуправления вплоть до губернских, что может свидетельствовать о планах децентрализации России как это было предусмотрено в проекте конституции Н. М. Муравьева:

"... образование Российской федерации в составе 15 "держав"".

Что изменилось с тех времен с точки зрения методов управления?

Почти ничего географически:

Тот же западно-южный вектор влияния, возможно обусловленный надеждой на разногласия в руководстве России и ее относительной слабостью после развала СССР.

Внутренние экономические предпосылки:

Земельный вопрос забалтывался и заболтан до сих пор. Получить землю проблема до сих пор. Уровень жизни низок.


Демонстрации разных движений от половых активистов до автомобилистов вряд ли новинка. Информационные технологии позволяют быстро организовать демонстрации и более постоянные сообщества. Вспомните "Twitter революцию" в Молдове. Но не это наверное самое главное. Такие мероприятия создают и транслируют сообщения. Сообщения многозначны, вирусны, я бы сказал. Если посмотреть варианты понимания таких сообщений и какие действия они влекут, то имеем обучающий сетевой процесс "сообщения - действия - оценка результатов - более эффективные действия". Новизна в удешевлении и ускорении обучения через виртуализацию деятельности, ее моделирование.

За этим может последовать ускорение и повышение эффективности всего процесса в целом, если многозначность его понимания не обернется против авторов процесса.

Фундаментальная проблема в том, что процессы соединения и разрушения - парные процессы, сопровождают друг друга. Не будет ли укрупнение регионов России создавать укрупнение центробежных тенденций?

Технологии конной доставки почты обусловили губернскую структуру управления Россией. Разве технологии не изменились? Единство и неделимость это уже не идеологический вопрос, а технологический, особенно на фоне "самостоятельности" стран-членов ЕС. С кем позволило бы размежеваться укрупнение России до неделимости?

Странно, но идеологизированный управленческий штамп "демократия = развитие", где "развитие" по умолчанию почему-то положительно (у болезни тоже есть развитие, в т.ч. в летальный исход) выносится за рамки технологии - см. Алексей Широпаев - "Роковая идея: "единая неделимая"". Отсталые у нас какие-то западники и ... страшно сказать ... неужто потому, что Запад отсталый ...!?

Не было бы у меня ко всему этому академического интереса, если бы, например, меня не просили бы подписать электронную петицию "Support Human Rights and Governance in Moldova" весной прошлого года. До сих пор не понимаю почему ко мне с такими просьбами обращались.

Из переписке ниже увидите на какие аргументы не нашлось ответов у моего собеседника:

"от *@*.com
кому nkryachkov(at)
дата 25 апреля 2009 г. 1:19
тема * wants you to take action on "Support Human Rights and Governance in Moldova"!

* has just read and signed the petition: Support Human Rights and Governance in Moldova

You can view this petition at:

Message from *:

Hi, I just signed the petition "Support Human Rights and Governance in Moldova". I'm asking you to sign this petition to help us reach our goal of 25,000 signatures. I care deeply about this cause, and I hope you will support our efforts. The petition will be delivered to the participants of EU - Eastern Partnership Summit on 7th May in Prague. Thank you!
----- provides tools and empowers individuals to make a difference and effect positive change through online activism. Get connected with the causes you care about, take action to make the world a better place, and start your own petition at! is powered by Care2, the largest and most trusted information and action site for people who care to make a difference in their lives and the world.

от Nikolay Kryachkov
кому *@*.com
дата 25 апреля 2009 г. 9:53
тема Re: * wants you to take action on "Support Human Rights and Governance in Moldova"!

Hi *,

This petition has odd points, I think.

For example:

As I can see so-called "true democracy" caused poverty in some CEE
countries and former Soviet republics, which are being used by big
corporations as sources of cheap labour. They do not need western
level prosperity there, except one way political rhetoric.

A "non-visa border with Romania". I am Russian by citizenship but
still can't enter EU without visa. It looks like double standard and a
new "iron curtain" made by EU. Are they so poor to demand my EUR 35
for visa?

What if other countries will produce petitions against every problem
or "problem" in EU, use of police service, human rights violations,
etc. and will ask the possibility of new elections? Did you think
about it?


от *@*.com>
кому Nikolay Kryachkov
дата 25 апреля 2009 г. 10:34
тема Re: * wants you to take action on "Support Human Rights and Governance in Moldova"!


Democracy did not cause poverty. Poverty was caused by the failed governments that ruled those CEE countries in the early 90s. Every single country in CEE has had tremendous economic growth since 2000 when most of them started to work for their EU integration.

Feel free to compare the GDP per capita in several countries:

Just to make it easier for you, I will present you some figures. In Moldova, the GDP per capita (PPP) is less than 3000 USD. In Ukraine is 7000, in Romania is 12000 (4 times higher! than Moldova), Latvia 17000, Lithuania 18000, Estonia 21000 (7 times bigger than Moldova!), Czech Republic 26000, Slovenia 29000 (almost 10 times bigger!)

It is up to Russia and EU to make visa agreements. If I want to travel to Russia I also need a visa as EU citizen. The problem is that Moldova has an agreement with EU and with Romania. And a country cannot just walk out like that on the agreements it signed. And by the way, Romania offers free visa to Moldovian citizens. They dont have to pay a single cent.

If the goverment of any EU country will start opressing it's citizens and the police in that country will make illegal arrests and will torture and rape people be sure that thousands of people will sign petitions against that problems.

The issue in Moldova is real. Moldova is the poorest country in Europe. 25% of the citizens are working abroad because they cannot have a decent life in Moldova. The Communist Party did not allow acces to the voting lists. The opposition claims that there were thousands of dead people on that lists and that votes were cast on their behalf.

I hope that I halped you understand our point of view. Let me assure you that I also understand your concernes. But there is no reason for Russian people to feel threaten by a more prosperous Republic of Moldova. There are some nationalists in Romania that insist for the unification, but they are a minority. Moldova will still have prefered relations with Rusia. After all it's the biggest trade
partner. Rusia can become a factor of economic growth in Moldova. This fight is not agains Rusia. This fight is against the corruption of the goverment and the incapacity of this goverment to offer a decent living standard to their citizens.

There are thousands of Russian people in Moldova. Wouldn't you lie to see their living standard increase. Wouldn't you like that Moldova reaches a GDP per capita close to the one in Russia (15.000)? We should judge Covernments and political parties based on their actions and their results, and not based on our
impression about them. The Communist party failed to help the population. Even more, they commited human rights abuses. And they possibly rugged the elections. We are not asking for new elections. We are asking for the posibility to investigate the election listst and if the frauds can be proven, then there can start a discussion about new elections.


от Nikolay Kryachkov
кому *@*.com>
дата 25 апреля 2009 г. 12:19
тема Re: * wants you to take action on "Support Human Rights and Governance in Moldova"!

Yes we can use PPP, *. But why not compare western and eastern
wages? Growth can be big enough if to start from selling out national
business, putting citizens in debts. Many of CEE countries lost
national business and banks. It looks like they are not masters in
their homes. The consequence is poverty and brain drain. But it's
their way of cause. Why Nokia wanted to move its plant from Germany to
Romania? As far as I know labour costs are the reasons for that. In
some cases the same is relevant to Russia, but I never heard about
western petitions about results of privatization and low pensions of
people who made all this what was privatisated. Western petitions are
about Khodorkovsky, which wanted to sell ExxonMobil or Chevron/Texaco
his company.

Russia was and is ready to abolish visas for EU citizens, if EU will
abolish them for Russians. It was said 09.11.08 by Russian foreign
minister in Helsinki.

But EU keeps silence.

> If the goverment of any EU country will start opressing it's citizens and
> the police in that country will make illegal arrests and will torture and
> rape people be sure that thousands of people will sign petitions against
> that problems.

No, no, I said about stimulating petitions from abroad.

The worst thing was that the West "closed eyes" when the Soviet Union
was divided instead of the fact that after 1991 referendum most people
voted for keeping the Soviet Union in wholeness. But the new
"democratic" authorities in 6 republics, including Moldova even did
not use referendum.Распад_СССР
(you can use on-line translating)

I do not know about western petitions about human rights abuse,
absence of democracy, etc. for that case. That's why I said "true

In 1991 trust and democracy was abused, *. The SU is dead, but
NATO, which was created against the SU moves towards Russia. The US
found their interests on the post-Soviet space far away from American
continent, etc. etc.

How to restore trust in these conditions? I think those who "closed
eyes" in the West in 1991 have to express apologies for a start. It
was a crime and memory exists.


от *@*.com>
кому Nikolay Kryachkov
дата 25 апреля 2009 г. 12:39
тема Re: * wants you to take action on "Support Human Rights and Governance in Moldova"!


I consider myself a centrist. I try not to look only from my perspective. I try to see the perspective of others also. And I try to understand this. But honestly, I lived under communism in Romania... I experienced the terror and the poverty. It's a very delicate issue for me and for most of the people in Eastern Europe. So I will try not to discuss about Soviet Union. I hope you will understand. I prefer not to express my points of view rather than risking to offend you. I will say only one thing. You might see something wrong in what happened in 1989-1991. And maybe there were some things wrong. But what happened for 50 years before that is much much worse!

I am living in Netherlands now. And I would like Romania (my country) and also those in the region to move in this direction. To be more like Netherlands. And I saw that happen during the last 10 years. The wages grew in Romania 3-4 times since 2000. The wages in Romania are several times times bigger than in Moldova for example.

I will stimulate petitions from abroad if US, Canada or any other country violates human rights. For example recently I supported a petition addressed to B. Obama and the US government to lift the embargo on Cuba.

I am rather a socialist myself... so I see some of the flaws of the Western world. But trust me, I would prefer the flaws of this system to the flaws from Moldova. It's rather strange that there are thousands of people leaving from Russia and Ukraine and Moldova to leave and work in Germany, France, Netherlands (EU in general). But I never heard of a mass exodus from EU towards the East.
I think this is the supreme argument to support the statement that the system in Wester Europe is superior. Do you agree?


от Nikolay Kryachkov
кому *@*.com>
дата 25 апреля 2009 г. 14:03
тема Re: * wants you to take action on "Support Human Rights and Governance in Moldova"!

*, no problems with this discussion. Yes, the issue is delicate
and every case is individual, but we're talking openly.

As far as I know your communist leader Chaushescu was killed and not
only he. Was it a solution? Ours are still alive. You started
mentioning Russia and I tried to explain you the issue. In 1917 was a
catastrophe in Russia - Bolshevik Revolution and civil war.

Let me suggest you 2 books:



Before WW2 and after it Stalin reconsidered bolshevism, but not
completely, though food cards was abolished in the SU earlier that in
England and prices were declined. After his dearth (some time later)
our leaders of communist party started to sell oil for USD and lost
governance over time ...

There are othere examples from more deep Russian history. Please note
that both Communism and Fascism are not Russian inventions.
Unfortunately Russia adopted even not communism but socialism for some
time. The problem is that Russia supplys EU of resources (mineral and
human)/ What will be if Russia will use own resources for national
industry and national currency? My answer is - prosperity in Russia.
Unfortunately we're experiencing the consequences of the wild western
liberal reforms. Read this, for example,

I do not demonise the West, I know many good people there, but I think
the best way is to solve home problems at home.

>But I never heard of a mass exodus from EU
> towards the East. I think this is the supreme argument to support the
> statement that the system in Wester Europe is superior. Do you agree?

I was in Bulgaria. I met people who know Russian language very good
and want to work in Russia, but there is a visa problem and, say, one
way ticket to 3 hours flight from Sofia to London costs EUR 100 and to
St. Petersburg, Russia EUR 400. It's policy.

Many people from Moldova and Ukraine work in Russia. Also I see many
western business persons from Germany, Finland, Italy, Netherlands,
France, etc, which go Russia to make business. Why do they go here? :)


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